A road trip is planned (provisionally) for the 17th of June 2015, to set a new record for electric vehicles (without breaking the speed limit) across 894 miles to demonstrate that clean motoring can be free of frustrating range limitations and charging delays. The record is at present held by Tesla and Elon Musk, or rather, Kevin Sharpe and David Peilow - driving a Tesla.
It is planned to stage an event from the famous tip of Scotland to the tip of Cornwall (JOGLE), to encompass the 840 mile journey in under 24 hours, hoping for a sub 20 hour record, with only six stops for refreshments and refueling. The record to beat is published widely as 36 hours, set in a Tesla sports car by Kevin Sharpe and David Peilow in 2011. And it looks as if David and Kevin are limbering up to get in another run this year (2014) to try to smash their record. We wonder if they've noticed our attempt and if this may have prompted the call (to arms) for a rally? See details below - and we have also reproduced some of the media articles from 2011, so that you can review reporting from that time for yourself. Without doubt the K&Ds achievement is 2011 is fantastic and we wish them success for 2014, even though their success makes our task that bit harder. After all, we are striving for the same end: to popularize EVs.
Chris (Photo: Karl Lindsay) and Terry, co-founders of Team Speedace UK. Hoping to shave 12 hours from the Tesla record from 2011 - without exceeding the national speed limits. The team are hoping to be one of the first to be awarded one of the Blue Riband eco medals.
A road rally is being planned for September the 9th 2014 by David Peilow, along the same route that he set a record time of 36 hours in 2011. The idea is to reduce the 36 hours down to 24 hours using public charging points.
Kevin writes:
"Three years ago @dpeilow and I drove from John o' Groats to Land's End in ~30 hours in my Tesla Roadster using public charging.
year we hope that 5+ Roadsters will make the reverse trip from Land's
End to John o' Groats [LEJOG] in ~24 hours using public charging. Prizes for
the quickest trip time and lowest energy consumption will be given.
The route and charging strategy are up to the teams and IMO this is
where the event will be won or lost.
[Sep 9 or 16, 2014] Tesla Roadster - Land's End to John o' Groats rally (Cornwall)
Discussion in 'Confirmed EV Events and Meetings' started by Kevin Sharpe, Jun 11, 2014. Kevin Sharpe Well-Known Member
After being interviewed by an ITV film crew at Whitesands Hotel, Lands End – a featured stop on the epic journey – it was evident that the total £20 cost of the great feat captured the heart of the nation in these current times of austerity.
Kevin Sharpe, the founder of Zero Carbon World, completed the trip on May 22nd. Thanks to some hard work from the team here, the story eventually broke on ITV Westcountry evening news on Monday 13th June.
The story gained pace and featured heavily online, particularly on ‘green’ websites in Cornwall and the South West, such as This Is Cornwall, Western Morning News and CoAST. Details of the journey sparked some furious debate in forums associated with these websites. Thanks to some assertive knowledge from Zero Carbon World and its affiliates the attempted ‘EV bashing’ was put to an abrupt end.
After the nerve the story touched, it wasn’t long before National tabloids realised what a great story the journey was. During a publicity tour of the South West, stopping at Pollaughan Cottages in Truro and the Whitecastle Hotel in Taunton Kevin was interviewed by National Press agencies before the story eventually appeared in the Daily Mirror and Daily Mail on Friday 17th June. The scale of the achievement was apparent even in the tabloids, all helping to raise awareness and convincing even the staunchest of petrol heads that EV’s are the future of auto- motion.
Chris checks out the driving position for comfort (ergonomics) and visibility. Cars are designed to make driving easy and seating comfortable, yet of the thousands of vehicles on the road, they all feel different to drive - and that difference can make one car safer than another - because a car that feels natural to the driver is bound to be easier to control in a stressful situation, such as an emergency stop, avoidance, etc.
Our charging strategy is rather different to that for most other currently available EVs, which is one reason why the organizers say that it is important for the the rules to allow custom cars (provided that those custom cars are based on production vehicle running gear); simply because this series of runs is designed to encourage innovation.
FAST CHARGE - Most other teams will be looking for fast charging points and will then plan their route around those geographical locations. Should there be EV service stations along the way, those too would provide a route that may offer an advantage, for example if using the Tesla or Better Place battery cartridge exchange system.
RORO BATTERY EXCHANGE - Our strategy is far simpler. We have planned our attempt directly using the shortest route, and will provide energy cartridges for our car at temporary roadside pick up stations, (using a system approved by ACCUS, the US arm of the FIA, for speed record events). The patent (roll off roll on) Bluebird™ RoRo system is ideal for such arrangements. Universities that may be interested in using this technology as the basis for further research, perhaps for Horizon or TSB funded projects, should contact: ip@bluebird-electric.net
SIMULATION - By this means Team Speedace hope to keep recharging stops to just a few minutes, to include refreshments. This will take the theoretical 17 hours and 53 minutes (see table above) to between 18hrs 38 mins - 19hrs 23 mins - 20hrs 3 mins, depending on how long we allow the drivers for refreshments: 5, 10 or 15 minutes? It is thus possible to complete a sub 20 hour run with a fair wind.
Using the nine geographical stops shown above, will give us data for one route along the length of the UK, which could be the basis for a UK study to simulate the practicality of the transition from a petrol based economy to renewable energy - a significant step towards sustainable Britain.
FRIENDLY COMPETITION - In theory, a standard Tesla vehicle could be recharged in about 90 seconds, provided that there is a service station en route. Thus, a Tesla could also achieve a sub 20 hour run with roadside support.
Two drivers will swap duties as they feel jaded, so complying with national rest regulations. The car is capable of 100mph, but the drivers know that they must not break any speed restrictions - and will have to deal with regular traffic at two peaks; the morning and evening rush hours.
Traveling at a regular pace is more demanding on a driver, where the lack of change may induce a state of lethargy. An expert has raised this as something to be aware of. Thus, we may pull over to change drive more often than the above charging stops.
August 2014 - LEFT: Chris hand making a hinge component for the gull wing doors RIGHT: Terry trimming the chassis rails ready to fit the first bit of bodywork. 'T' shirts were the order of the day where it was a very hot day in the workshop.
August 2014 - Karl is not just the team's official photographer. Here he is cutting plywood formers for the nose and wing sections of the Ecostar DC50. Karl will be crewing in one of the support vehicles, a customized VW surfing wagon, that is on loan from the Kismet Girls Trust. This bus is very rare in that it has dual sliding doors. This is one of Joss Stone's favourite vehicles. It was one of the last of the boxer engined (air cooled) vans off the production line in Germany in 1968, making it 46 years old. Wow. Karl will be planning the route to enable him to capture the best movie sequences of the event for an eventual documentary.
Help with the development and running cost of this UK event is welcomed, by way of sponsorship, technical help, or contributions in kind. The team are looking for: Fuel Cells; Batteries; Composites; Communications; Metals, Solar Cells and more.
Our first sponsor is Bluebird Marine Systems, followed by the Sino-Swiss Titanium Company from China. Why not make your name the next on the list today. We are looking for a Prime Sponsor (or shared sponsorship) - who will receive major billing on the vehicle and therefore in any documentary. We are also looking for associate sponsors by way of smaller contributions.
If this event is of interest to you or your organisation, or company for the June 2015 Cannonball Jogle event please contact:
Project leader UK - chris.close@speedace.info World route admin - cannon@Bluebird-Electric.Net
The vehicle is a two seat sports city car featuring cartridge recharging, as follows:
Compare the Autocad drawing above to the drawing at the foot of this page. This is the Ecostar DC50, a city car with a 20Kw/hr lithium ion battery cartridge and a built in rapid exchange system. With around 1.8 meters of solar cells, this car can recharge itself every week in favorable weather conditions. The car uses Austin production running gear and may one day become a production kit car - or at least be available built for you. The DC50 also features gull wing doors. This will be the first road car (ever) to bear the blue bird legend.
Group meeting July 2014 - Team Speedace + guest consultant. Note another visitor, now the team's mascot (apprentice mechanic) sitting upfront between the founding members: Terry and Chris. The team's photographer (2nd row left), Karl, joins us this month with a mission to keep a video record of development from August. Copyright photographs © Max Energy Ltd. You will need permission to reproduce these pictures. Higher resolutions are available for the media - on request.
November 2014 - The aluminium wheel arch formers were cut ready to build up and shape the wings. These will be made in carbon fibre, hence will be a composite. Do not underestimate the value of wood and carpentry skills in prototype building.
December 2014 - LEFT: Chris, building up a wing in foam. RIGHT: Getting messy shaping the foam and note that the lower spoiler (air dam) will also form part of the nose molding. You can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs. If using this technique to build your car, please dispose of plastic waste responsibly.
January 2015 - Taking the rough with the smooth. There is still a whole lot of grunt left for the team to push through to attain their dream car. But, the heart strings are being plucked nicely now, as a pleasing shape is emerging. This is automotive art, not engineering. Sculpture to be more accurate. The stained glass bluebird is by Pamela Holmes of Glassfollies, based at Hurstpierpoint in West Sussex.
January 2015 - Check out the difference between the driver and passenger sides. The passenger side is rough shaped, the drivers side is nearing the final (detail) shaping stage. Sculpting is so rewarding. British craftsmanship pops up in surprising places. Terry is of course part Italian. Why are we not surprised. Sealing and painting of replacement parts is making the car look different. Imagine this shape with windscreen, headlights and grille.
We are looking at some rather tasty wheel motors for the final JOGLE attempt, front wheel drive. An extremely nippy 4x4 version is now a very real possibility. Still with instant cartridge exchanges and a choice of battery or fuel cell options. 2015 looks to be an interesting year.
GOOGLE MAPS SUGGESTED ROUTE 837 mi, 14 hours 12 mins
John o'
Groats, Highland, UK
3. Turn left to stay on A99 - 3.1 mi
12. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for M74/Carlisle and merge onto M74 - 32.9 mi
14. Continue onto M6
- 194 mi 15. At junction 8, exit onto M5 toward Birmingham (W & S)/West Bromwich - 163 mi
Go through 7 roundabouts - 12.4 mi
Land's End to John o' Groats is the traversal of the whole length of the island of Great Britain between two extremities; in the southwest and northeast. The traditional distance by road is 874 miles (1,407 km) and takes most
cyclists ten to fourteen days; the record for running the route is nine days. Off-road walkers typically walk about 1,200 miles (1,900 km) and take two or three months for the expedition. Two much-photographed signposts indicate the traditional distance at each end.
Land's End, Bodmin, Okehampton, Tiverton, Taunton, Bridgwater, the M5 Avon Bridge, the M48 Severn Bridge, Monmouth, Hereford, Shrewsbury, Tarporley, St Helens, Preston, Carlisle, Beattock, Carstairs, Whitburn, Falkirk, Stirling, Crieff, Kenmore, Dalchalloch, A9, Inverness, Kessock Bridge, Cromarty Bridge, Dornoch Firth Bridge, Latheron, Wick, John o' Groats
No it's not a dance, although! One of the questions to ask yourself before you decide to travel across Britain is, 'Which way should I go?' This is more important where you are walking.
There are two options: Land's End to John o'Groats (also known as the LEJOG) or John o'Groats to Land's End (known as the JOGLE).
LEJOG - There are a number of practical reasons to go from south to north:
2. HEAT - If you travel from south to north and set off in spring, then the weather stays reasonably constant throughout the trip because the weather warms up as you go to the colder north.
If you go from north to south, then you start off in much harsher weather and end up in sweltering Cornwall for the heat of midsummer,
not a pleasant prospects for a walker with a heavy back-pack. 3. VISION - Walking from south to north means the sun is more often at your back, rather than in your eyes. This makes for a more pleasant walk if you've got sensitive eyes.
JOGLE - Equally, there are several good reasons to go from north to south:
1. For Team Speedace (by car), we'd prefer to travel to Scotland to start to be in the south for a celebratory conclusion, also closer to home, for getting back to Sussex.
2. By starting in Scotland and heading south, we'll avoid the midge season. We won't get fitter because we're driving - but we would if we were walking.
3. Psychologically it will feel like it's downhill all the way. If we lived in Scotland, it would make the start more convenient.
Whether you decide to go for the LEJOG or the JOGLE, it's still going to be the experience of a lifetime.
There are two organisations supporting people undertaking the journey.
http://zerocarbonworld.org/news/landmark-trip-attracts-national-media September 9 2014 tesla roadster lands end to john o groats rally cornwall Daily Mirror news motorist-drives-from-john-ogroats-to-lands end Lands end john ogroats walking_tips lejog_or_jogle http://www.landsendjohnogroats.info/walking_tips/lejog_or_jogle.html https://speakev.com/threads/sep-9-2014-tesla-roadster-lands-end-to-john-o-groats-rally-cornwall.2533/ http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/motorist-drives-from-john-ogroats-to-lands-135383 Zero carbon world landmark trip attracts national media http://zerocarbonworld.org/news/landmark-trip-attracts-national-media Cornwall-online.co.uk lands-end http://www.cornwall-online.co.uk/attractions/lands-end/Welcome.html http://www.landsend-landmark.co.uk/ http://www.landsend.co.uk/ http://www.ukend2end.com/ http://www.landsendjohnogroats.info/ http://www.landsend-to-johnogroats.co.uk/ http://www.familyonabike.org/other%20info%20pages/awards.html http://www.endtoenders.co.uk/ https://maps.google.com/ VAUXHALL AMPERA endurance ev attempt 2010_ampera_e-revs http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/ http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/newsandeventspggrp/imperialcollege/newssummary/news_27-5-2010-12-26-15 http://www.formaplex.com/news/formaplex-launches-electric-car-world-record-attempt/ http://www.engadget.com/2010/05/31/racing-green-endurance-srzero-electric-car-to-make-16-000-mile-t/ http://www.rideacrossbritain.com/packages/end-to-end/ http://www.discoveradventure.com/challenges/land-s-end-to-john-o-groats-cycle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land%27s_End_to_John_o%27_Groats
A taste for adventure capitalists
How it all started: Compare the bare frame above to the drawing at the head of this page. It's about time we had an EV compatible with battery or hydrogen fuel cell technology. The Ecostar DC50 by Bluebird Marine Systems Ltd may well be the vehicle that changes all that for 2015.
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