A solid education is a positive advantage and essential if you are thinking of specialising in medicine, engineering, research, etc. The future of mankind depends on the quality of our scientists and other specialists. Fortunately, Schools, Colleges and Universities in the United States of America,the United Kingdom and Australia offer a wide range of courses to help you develop your future potential. The following is a list of educational organisations that may help you achieve your goals in life.
Nelson says: "Learn while ye may!"
The Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia (Scientific and educational center for training specialists for Russia’s merchant marine) The Alaska Sea Grant College Program (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) The Australian Maritime College Broadreach Teen Summer Camp (Educational summer adventure programs, including dive training, sail training and marine biology programs, all over the world) The Calhoon Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association Engineering School (MEBA, Easton, Maryland) Captain G. Anderson Chase (Associate professor of nautical science, MMA) Captain Roy's, Inc. (Home study captain's license training) The Chalmers University of Technology Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (Gothenburg, Sweden) Chesapeake Marine Training Institute, Inc. (Professional seamanship classes for US Coast Guard licenses or seaman's documents, Hayes, Virginia) The Delft University of Technology (The only academic course in naval architecture in the Netherlands) Don Nugent's Maritime Schools (Links to merchant marine, naval and coast guard, as well as oceanographic schools) De Enkhuizer Zeevaartschool (Dutch nautical college for professional sailing vessels and merchant ships) The Faculty of Nautical Sciences of the University of Cadiz (Spain) The Falmouth Centre for Marine Studies (Cornwall) The Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador Gdynia Maritime Academie (Poland) The Hellenic Marine Training Center (HMTC, training for the shipping industry, Greece) The Higher Nautical School in Rotterdam The Higher Nautical School of Vlissingen (Zeeland, Netherlands) The Indian Maritime College (Simulator based maritime training) Kalmar Maritime Academy - Sjöbefälsskolan i Kalmar (Sweden) KORAB (The Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Students' Assoc., Technical University of Gdansk, Poland) The Landing School of Boatbuilding and Design (Kennebunkport, Maine) Landsort Maritime Training AB (Crew basic training courses & rescue boat crew training, Landsort Island, Sweden) The Louisiana Technical College Marine Operations Program Lycees Maritimes et Aquacoles - France MacNaughton Associates' Residential Yacht Design School Mad River Research (Test preparation software for the US Coast Guard engineers exam) Massachusetts Maritime Academy The MIT Department of Ocean Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) New England Maritime (Courses for boating safety, launchtender, and captains licenses, on-water training for the new boat owner, Hyannis & Quincy, Massachusetts) North Atlantic Fisheries College (Port Arthur, Scalloway, Shetland) North Island College (Offers a full range of marine related programs, Vancouver Island, British Columbia) The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Marine Technology The Ocean & Naval Architectural Engineering Program at Memorial University of Newfoundland (St. Johns) Pacific Maritime Institute (PMI, a non-profit continuing education center for professional mariners, utilizing state of the art simulation and modern training techniques, Seattle) The Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education (Preparing a skilled American work force for US flag vessels) The Port Revel Shiphandling Training Centre (Shiphandling training using manned models and radio-controlled tractor tugs, France) SeaSources.net (Online home study training for mariners and United States Coast Guard license exam preparation assistance) SUNY Maritime College (New York) Texas A & M University at Galveston (Home of the "Sea Aggies") Tidewater Community College's Hampton Roads Maritime Training Center (Workforce training and certification in all aspects of seamanship, Norfolk, Virginia) The United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) The United States Merchant Marine Academy Training Ship Kings Pointer The University of Michigan Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering The University of Plymouth Institute of Marine Studies The University of Rhode Island Ocean Technology Center The Webb Institute of Naval Architecture (Private, tuition free college that offers a bachelor of science in naval architecture and marine engineering) The Woolston Maritime Technology Centre (A college in Southampton, England that runs a variety of yacht, boatbuilding, ship joinery, marine technology and engineering courses) The Youth Maritime Training Association (A non-profit organization aligning Washington state public high school programs with the opportunities available for students in the maritime industry and post-secondary education) (See also Boatbuilding Training, Design Training, Medical, Natural Science & Ecology, Navigation, Sailing & Boating Schools & Seamanship & Safety for specialized training)
Schools, Colleges and Universities in the United Kingdom offer a wide range of courses to help you develop your future.
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