CFS Engineering
Consultancy architectural and civil engineering.
Wind energy systems, wind turbines, solar
roofing systems, civil engineering constructions.
PSE-B, Lausanne, VD Switzerland 1015
+41 21 693 84 69
Canrom Photovoltaics Inc.
and installer of cadmium telluride based PV modules, power
systems based on the novel CdTe modules.
1654 Ontario Avenue, Niagara Falls, New York USA 14305
FAX: 716.285.8508
Central Electronics Limited
Tel: +91- 11- 3526836, 3683046, 3683053
government's department of
Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science &
Technology. A leading
manufacturer of Mono crystalline silicon solar
781, Desh Bandhu Gupta Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005, India
FAX: +91- 11- 3549336
Battery - Wide range of AGM sealed deep cycle batteries, including
the solar PVX series.
Discount Solar Panels
Solar panels for solar charging, massive range.
are suppliers of a wide range of discounted Solar Panels and free energy
products,mainly these are obtained in bulk from less well known manufacturers
with generally a big saving in price compared against named brand panels,
please check back often as the site is frequently updated as stock changes
constantly,all prices listed are inclusive of UK mainland delivery and vat on
all orders totalling £10 or over,there is a £3 surcharge on all orders below
this amount,if you live elsewhere please email/telephone for a quote
first,click on the link below for further info on solar panels if you have any
questions please dont hesitate to telephone us, personal callers strictly by
appointment only!
Battery - Deep cycle and heavy duty industrial batteries up to
6000 amp-hours.
Digital Solar meters, instruments
DayStar Technologies, Inc.
High performance, low-cost, thin-film PV Cells
for Terrestrial and Space Markets, PV cell & module manufacturing equipment.
900 Golden Gate Terrace, Suite A, Grass Valley, Colorado USA 95945
- Lightning and surge arrestors and surge capacitors for PV, residential,
and industrial.
Power - Solar panel mounts for all manufacturers. Roof, ground,
top of pole, RV etc.
Solar Heating UK
UK DTI grant approved suppliers installers of solar energy panels
DIVWATT (Pty) Ltd., South Africa
- Solar powered pumps and controls, modules, etc.
Driveswarehouse stocks a wide variety of AC Motors and DC Motors. All
products from Driveswarehouse are backed up 12 months warranty and tech.
support by a company that has been in drives business over 45 years.
Twin Hills Avenue
Dallas, TX 75231, U.S.A.
& Publications
Ademe (French)
Arizona State University PV Test Laboratory
Australian National University:
Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems
Berner Fachhochschule, HTA Burgdorf, PV
laboratory (German and English)
Brookhaven National Laboratory: PV
Environmental Safety and Health
CANMET Energy Diversification
Research Laboratory (Canada)
DOE PV Program
ECN, The Netherlands Energy Research Foundation
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Folkecenter for Renewable
Energy, Denmark
Fraunhofer Institute Solare Energiesysteme
Florida Solar Energy Center
GEFOSAT (French)
Georgia Tech, Univ. Center
of Excellence for PV Research and Education
Greenpeace: Solar
Power in the UK
International Economic Platform for Renewable
Energies (IWR) (English and German)
Energy Agency, PV, and IEA/PVPS
International Solar
ISET, Germany
Joint Research Centre of the European
Commission, Ispra, Italy
Laboratoire d'Energie Solare et de Physique
Million Solar Roofs, USA
National Center for Photovoltaics
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NEDO, Japan
Photo Index
Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (English),
Oak Ridge, Office of Science and
Technical Information
PV GAP (Global Approval Program for PV)
PV Online Publications Data Base
Sacramento Municipal
Utility District (SMUD) PV Program
Sandia National Laboratories
Solar Cells,
Semiconductor Interfaces
Southwest Technology Development Institute (SWTDI/SWRES)
Sun Selector
World Solar Summit
U.S. Department of Energy
Univ. of New South Wales, Center for PV
Devices & Measurements
Univ. of Southampton Solar Energy Home
Utility PhotoVoltaic Group (UPVG)
Solar Systems
Natural Home - Passive solar, do-it-yourself home
and greenhouse plans and products.
Century Goods: Electronic devices and accessories -
Solar cell phone batteries, AladdinPower hand held generator, Solar radios
and flashlights and more.
Energy Group - Nationwide Sales and Services -
Solar power equipment, complete power systems and comprehensive technical
support nationwide for remote, residential and commercial applications.
Solar - Solar products and equipment.
Solar (formerly Siemens) - Sharp
- Kyocera
Solar - BP
Solarex - Unisolar
Renewables Infotech - Solaires is active in
Internet publication/advertisement, web-based software design, website
design/maintenance,web integration of multimedia, communications & MIS
(OA, ERP, CRM,SCM), renewable energy info services for the energy, power and
electricity (incl solar and wind power) industries of both Chinese and
international customers. We hope our services will boost your business in
China and other countries.
Energy Lab - Wisconson
Lights & Solar Lighting Fixtures - High
quality, unique and exclusive solar powered outdoor light fixtures in a
variety of styles, finishes and colors.
Eco Soul PV-Powered Reversible Fuel Cell
Learning Kit
Arizona Solar Center
American Solar Energy Society
British Photovoltaic Association, e-mail itpower@gn.apc.org
Institute for Sustainable Power:
International Solar
North Carolina Solar Center
Center for Renewable Energy &
Sustainable Tech. (CREST)
International Solar Energy Society
Northeast Sustainable Energy
PROMES: Assoc. des Professionnels Romands
de l'Energie Solaire
Solar Energy Industries Association
Union pour le developpement
durable (Union for Sustainable Development)
Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy
What incentives are available in your state?
Database for Net Metering Information 35 states and counting. Get full
value for your PV power.
Renewable Energy Buy-Down Rebates are declining. Act now and save money
with a buy-down rebate.
Calculator for
Grid-Connected PV Systems PVWATTS is a simple, quick energy calculator.
Financing Options Fact Sheets and other useful info from the people who
bring you the CEC buydown rebate.
Power Estimator Do an economic analysis of your PV system.
Green Power Network
Going Solar
Watts On Schools This educational
web site has a really neat Interactive Energy Calculator.
The Million Solar Roof Initiative
Success Stories
US Dept Of
Energy PV
Connecting to the Grid
Sandia National Laboratories PV Program
The US Dept Of Energy National Center for
Interstate Renewable Energy Council
IEEE PV Specialists Conference
Space Photovoltaic Research
and Technology (SPRAT) Conference
European PV Solar Energy Conference and
12th PV Science and Engineering
World Solar Challenge
for US Grid-Tied Systems
Energytech.at: The Platform for Innovative
Energy Technologies
Solar Cell Information Site
Arizona Solar Center
PV Market Transformation Initiative (PVMTI)
James & James Publishers
"New step in
photovoltaics large scale systems efficiency"
Solar Mike's Web Site
Solar Dome: Site on PV (and the
Environment) Education Course
PV In Architecture: The
Southern Africa
Sustainable Energy Web
William & Deborah Lord house
The Rural Resource Center
The Watts Interpretative Center
of the Greenway and Nature Center
The Electromotive Bicycle (EMB)
World Solar Challenge, Solar Car
Race Across Australia
Kerr Solar Electric Boat Site
Power Technologies, Inc.
The International Energy
Cape Verde,
Michael Schwarz' Solar
Electric FAQ
Source for Renewable
U. of Oregon course on
Alternative Energy
Gridwise (Energy Yellow Pages)
Earth Information Systems
Global Energy Network International
Solar Energy Businesses
Solar Cooking Archive
Student Solar Information
Solar Energy Technology
Distribution of PV in
Joe Davis Solar
John Robbins: Why Solar
Wylie's Solar Site
BP Primary Energy Statistics
Energy Information Agency, US DOE
NTT/WNN Energy
Code Site/PV
Building Code Information
Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library
Solar pool heaters
specialize in technology development:
DEVELOPMENT: We design and develop EcoVillages
(mixed-use environmentally sensitive housing/commercial communities)
ENERGY: We nurture technology development and identify market opportunities
in solar energy (including passive
solar design) and energy conservation (such as the soon to be
manufactured high efficiency TPTS
gas-fired water heater); and ...
We promote and nurture sustainable
transportation alternatives (electric
and solar powered vehicles, Ultra-Lite
Rail Systems)
Kerry Forums - Environment -
Please join the active discussion. Post about renewable energies, new concepts
for solar development and anything else you can think of.
Directory of Environmental Web Sites - Environ-Links.com
is a directory of web sites related to environment and environment protection.
Each web site listed here is carefully reviewed by our Editor Team to ensure
its relevance and quality. This is necessary to ensure that our users - you -
find it a pleasant and productive experience rather than a frustrating one to
find environment related web sites matching your interest.
International Environmental Solutions - Offer
interact community for tech information exchange and experience share.
Culture Jammers Network - We are a global network of artists,
activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want
to advance the new social activist movement of the information age. Our aim is
to topple existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we will
live in the 21st century.
this end, Adbusters Media Foundation publishes Adbusters magazine, operates
this website and offers its creative services through PowerShift, our advocacy
advertising agency.
in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Adbusters is a not-for-profit,
reader-supported, 120,000-circulation magazine concerned about the erosion of
our physical and cultural environments by commercial forces. Our work has been
embraced by organizations like Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, has been
featured in hundreds of alternative and mainstream newspapers, magazines, and
television and radio shows around the world.
Green Education Machine: Interior Alaska Green Star -
GREEN STAR is a non-profit organization that encourages businesses to practice
waste reduction, energy conservation and pollution prevention. Through
education, technical assistance and our nationally recognized award programs,
Green Star helps businesses become more sustainable without jeopardizing the
bottom line.
y Sociedad - Porta y publicación semanal electrónica
sobre temas ambientales y sociales en español
EcoPortal.net le ofrece potenciar la imagen de sus productos y servicios, así
como el perfil institucional de su Organización a través de Internet. Todo
ello gracias a la enorme oferta de contenidos específicos que posee en sus más
de 55.000 páginas repletas de información y a sus más de 250.000 usuarios
únicos mensuales . Mantendrá así una relación directa y constante con una
audiencia cautiva y segmentada.
- Where the body, the earth, and the "Self"
meet and work in harmony with each other. Learn how to maintain a harmonious
balance between the body, the earth, and the self. Resources, environmental
opportunities for fundraising and income, and wonderful products for helping
the environment and maintaining wellness with books, articles, essays, and
much more!
concept of Body Earth Self:
It's quite simple really, if we take care of our bodies and respect
them, then we will have respect for the Earth, our home. Because we are
not polluting our bodies we will not wish to pollute the Earth. As we
respect our bodies and the earth we have greater respect for ourselves or that
higher aspect of ourselves. It is not enough to say "respect your
earth". We must also respect the body as an extension of the earth.
- How to reduce our impact on the environment. Simple,
practical solutions and alternatives to lifestyle and consumer choices.
E.G. Sustainable
Some seafood choices are easier on the environment, and help protect
endangered species. You can help support sustainable fisheries by the choices
you make when buying seafood.
is concerned with issues that affect the lives of ordinary people and their
communities; from air and water pollution, food safety and climate change to
toxics, transportation and sustainable energy. Our goal is to inform and
inspire by providing up-to-date reporting, opinion and analysis, and tips and
tools for creating change.
Kerry Forums - Environment -
Please join the active discussion. Post about renewable energies, new concepts
for solar development and anything else you can think of.
Directory of Environmental Web Sites - Environ-Links.com
is a directory of web sites related to environment and environment protection.
Each web site listed here is carefully reviewed by our Editor Team to ensure
its relevance and quality. This is necessary to ensure that our users - you -
find it a pleasant and productive experience rather than a frustrating one to
find environment related web sites matching your interest.
International Environmental Solutions - Offer
interact community for tech information exchange and experience share.
Culture Jammers Network - We are a global network of artists,
activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want
to advance the new social activist movement of the information age. Our aim is
to topple existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we will
live in the 21st century.
this end, Adbusters Media Foundation publishes Adbusters magazine, operates
this website and offers its creative services through PowerShift, our advocacy
advertising agency.
in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Adbusters is a not-for-profit,
reader-supported, 120,000-circulation magazine concerned about the erosion of
our physical and cultural environments by commercial forces. Our work has been
embraced by organizations like Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, has been
featured in hundreds of alternative and mainstream newspapers, magazines, and
television and radio shows around the world.
Green Education Machine: Interior Alaska Green Star -
GREEN STAR is a non-profit organization that encourages businesses to practice
waste reduction, energy conservation and pollution prevention. Through
education, technical assistance and our nationally recognized award programs,
Green Star helps businesses become more sustainable without jeopardizing the
bottom line.
y Sociedad - Porta y publicación semanal electrónica
sobre temas ambientales y sociales en español
EcoPortal.net le ofrece potenciar la imagen de sus productos y servicios, así
como el perfil institucional de su Organización a través de Internet. Todo
ello gracias a la enorme oferta de contenidos específicos que posee en sus más
de 55.000 páginas repletas de información y a sus más de 250.000 usuarios
únicos mensuales . Mantendrá así una relación directa y constante con una
audiencia cautiva y segmentada.
- Where the body, the earth, and the "Self"
meet and work in harmony with each other. Learn how to maintain a harmonious
balance between the body, the earth, and the self. Resources, environmental
opportunities for fundraising and income, and wonderful products for helping
the environment and maintaining wellness with books, articles, essays, and
much more!
concept of Body Earth Self:
It's quite simple really, if we take care of our bodies and respect
them, then we will have respect for the Earth, our home. Because we are
not polluting our bodies we will not wish to pollute the Earth. As we
respect our bodies and the earth we have greater respect for ourselves or that
higher aspect of ourselves. It is not enough to say "respect your
earth". We must also respect the body as an extension of the earth.
- How to reduce our impact on the environment. Simple,
practical solutions and alternatives to lifestyle and consumer choices.
E.G. Sustainable
Some seafood choices are easier on the environment, and help protect
endangered species. You can help support sustainable fisheries by the choices
you make when buying seafood.
is concerned with issues that affect the lives of ordinary people and their
communities; from air and water pollution, food safety and climate change to
toxics, transportation and sustainable energy. Our goal is to inform and
inspire by providing up-to-date reporting, opinion and analysis, and tips and
tools for creating change.

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